based on F.M. Dostoievski
Opening date: Sunday, October 11 2020 16+ 1h 45 min.

The Demons is one of Dostoyevsky's darkest novels, as well as the novel that exerts the most irresistible attraction. Here, the characters are playing with fire, challenging the whole power of Evil, born - like a monstrous child - from the unbridled pursuit of desire: the wish for power, erotic desires, and the dystopian impulse to cause disorder and chaos through the manipulation of human weaknesses.


Revolving around the axis of the main character in Dostoyevsky's novel, The Demons. Stavrogin's Confession throws the spectator in the whirlwind of this chilling story. A story which is, in fact, a sheaf made of multiple individual histories (because each character brings a series of desires, projections, obsessions, pursuits, various forms of visionary madness) which lead, in the end, to the braided whip of socialist totalitarianism, which impacted the history of the twentieth century. In the confrontation between strong characters, on the one hand, and a combination of perversion, Machiavellian manipulation, cowardice, and cruelty, on the other, pursuits such as true love, returning home from abroad for the sake of ideal reconstruction, or moderate principles have no place anymore, and death remains the only alternative in the face of one's irrepressible inner demons. 

director: Tudor Lucanu
decorul și proiecțiile video: Tudor Lucanu
costumes: Zsófia Gábor
music: Radu Dogaru
lighting designer: Jenel Moldovan

Nikolai Vsevolodovici Stavroghin: Ionuț Caras
Piotr Stepanovici Verhovenski: Matei Rotaru
Maria Timofeevna Lebeadkina, Daria Pavlovna Șatova, Lizaveta Nikolaevna Tușina, Șigaliov: Sânziana Tarța
Fedka-Ocnașul, Virghinski: Dan Chiorean
Ignat Lebeadkin, Liputin: Adrian Cucu
Ivan Pavlovici Șatov: Miron Maxim
Alexei Nilîci Kirillov: Cosmin Stănilă
Mavriki Nikolaevici Drozdov, Seminaristul: Mihai-Florian Nițu
Artemi Pavlovici Gaganov, Leamșin: Radu Dogaru
Matrioșa: Ecaterina Pop-Curșeu