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by George Tabori
translated to Romanian by Alexandru Al. Şahighian

director: Alexandru Dabija
set and costume design: Carmencita Brojboiu
dramaturgy: Cătălin Ștefănescu
music: Ada Milea, Anca Hanu
assistant director: Leta Popescu
set and costume design assistant: Cătălin Bocîrnea
lighting designer: Jenel Moldovan

Schlomo Herzl: Ionuț Caras
Zweizl: Cristian Grosu
Dreizl: Radu Lărgeanu
Lobkowitz: Cătălin Herlo
Drinkowitz: Silvius Iorga
Hitler: Sorin Leoveanu
Himmlisch Heinrich: Matei Rotaru
Gretchen: Angelica Nicoară
Handchen: Romina Merei / Diana Buluga
Fretchen: Patricia Brad
Mizzi, a chicken: Anca Hanu
Lady with Scythe: Ramona Dumitrean
Leopold, driver of the Lady with Scythe: Cristian Rigman
Dina, secretary of Lady with Scythe: Alexandra Tarce

stage manager: Constantin Pojonie
lights technician: Mădălina Mânzat, Alexandru Corpodean, Ionuț Maier
sound technician: Marius Rusu
video projections: Vasile Crăciun
prompter: Ana Maria Moldovan

The anti-Nazi farce MEIN KAMPF is George Tabori’s most famous play and he directed it himself for the first time in Wien, in 1987. Through his theatre, Tabori wanted to encourage the audience to laugh at the monsters and killers presented on stage. 

is an exorcism, a huge laughter, a song of freedom in which the author, a victim of the Nazi terror, depicts horror in an unexpected manner. Shlomo Herzl, an old Jewish bookseller, lodges an untalented young man who wants to study at the Fine Arts Academy. The young man’s name is Hitler, an egocentric and rude character, paranoid and vain, a Nazi in the making. Shlomo could have foreseen the approaching danger, but all he sees in Hitler is just another fellow human being.

Ticket prices:

50 lei, 40 lei, 30 lei, 20 lei, 10 lei (depending on the seat location);

10 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.

Opening date: Sunday, October 12 2014

Main stage
2h 30 min., cu o pauză