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by Brigitte Schwaiger

translated by Dan Stoica


director: Mihai Măniuțiu

choreography: Andrea Gavriliu

set design: Adrian Damian

costume design: Claudia Castrase

music: Șerban Ursachi

lighting-design: Lucian Moga


a production of the “Aureliu Manea“ Theatre, Turda

Two broke journalists (Ioan Isaiu and Sorin Misirianțu) intend to sell a newspaper whose name may very well be the one of their destinies - Collapse. One of them dates their elderly landlady in order to save the rent money. A beautiful young woman moves in the apartment next door (Anca Lăcusteanu). One of the journalists has a huge crush on her. From that moment on, things get complicated. The play is an irresistible comedy that mixes the reality with absurd touches.


Cast: Ioan Isaiu, Anca Lăcusteanu și Sorin Misirianțu
Director: Sorin Misirianțu

Ioan Isaiu - a complete film and theater actor. After a spectacular come-back from New Zeeland and Singapore, he began working for TV series created by the Media Pro Trust, as well as playing in several productions, a living proof that the first love cannot be forgotten - between 1995 and 2001 he was an actor at the Cluj-Napoca National Theater.

Anca Lăcusteanu
can be seen in Cluj-Napoca in independent productions: Shakespeare, I love you, Norway. Today, Edith Piaf, Serbia, mon amour.

Sorin Misirianțu is also the director of this comedy.

Event organized by the Reflector Association.

Ticket prices:

30 lei, 25 lei, 15 lei, 10 lei (depending on the seat location);

7,5 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.


coregrafia: Mario Grosu

Gală de dans, momente coregrafice pline de fantezie şi originalitate. Printre acestea se numără momente de dans modern şi contemporan, acrobaţie, tango şi bodypercution cu 2 dintre colaboratorii celebrului circ din Canada, „Cirque Du Soleil“ şi a Operei din Roma.

o productie: Mario Dance Atelier 

director: Alexandra Felseghi

choreography: Melinda Jakab

Cast: Roxana Fânaţă, Robert Cristian

HIM: Look me in the eyes and tell me: what do you want from me?

HER: I want you to kill me.

It's a simple story, like all complicated things: it can be my story, your story, theirs or the other's, of the Suitcase-Woman and of the Umbrella-Man. Maybe we have seen each other before, maybe we have spent some time together, thus becoming more estranged than before. Strangers and acquaintances at the same time. I can be hurt by you. I can be nourished by you. It's a simple story, like the paradox of loneliness in a happy ending. "Heteroclite" is a production that combines the playfulness of the Theatre of the Absurd with that of contemporary dance.

a production CREATE.ACT.ENJOY

photo credits: Alin Barbir 

Ticket prices:
25 lei, 20 lei;
10 lei (discounts for pupils, students and pensioners)