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Produced by the Hungarian Theatre in Cluj

A disintegrated, confused family, lacking the presence of a mother, where each person struggles with their own prejudices and is right in their own way. It is a miniature image of the world we live in, of our blindness, and inevitable ignorance, due to the way we perceive things differently and in a deformed way, may we be ordinary people, or philosophers. We go through life wearing invisible goggles, blinkers or colored glasses, we only see what we want and it becomes convenient for us to only notice what we have learnt to see. We are turning around and around, in a circle, repetitively, and live parallel realities in our minds. Might we perchance have the opportunity to rise above? Perhaps unconditional love is the missing piece, as perhaps the lack of the mother is also very present within this family.


 Adrian Sitaru



The performance will be presented during the International Meetings in Cluj, in the studio of the Hungarian Theatre in Cluj, on October 14, 2018, at 5 pm. 


Stage adaptation by Adrian Sitaru based on a text created by Adrian Sitaru and Alina Grigore




Viktor: Miklós Bács
Dávid: Ferenc Sinkó
Szása: Anikó Pethő
Rómeó: András Buzási
Hilda: Tímea Jerovszky / Éva Imre

Mária: Andrea Kali / Tekla Tordai

Julie: Enikő Györgyjakab

Bogdan: Csaba Marosán

Directed by: Adrian Sitaru

Set and costume design: Carmencita Brojboiu

Director of photography: Adrian Silișteanu


VR support: OROBLADE

3D model: Horia Spirescu

dramaturg: Zoltán Csép 

director's assistant: Levente Molnar

stage manager: Ágota Tatár


Premiere: February 17, 2018

The tickets can be found at the Hungarian Theatre in Cluj-Napoca. 

1 h 30 min.