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FIDDLER ON THE ROOF on tour at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre


Regina Maria Theatre in Oradea presents, in the context of a national tour, the performance FIDDLER ON THE ROOF by Sholom Aleichem, directed by Korcsmaros Gyorgy at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre on 16 April 2013. 

Based on Shalom Alehem’s story, The Daughter of Tevye, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF is one of the most successful musicals of all times. The first production premiered at the Imperial Theater on Broadway in 1964 and was presented over 3.200 times. The 1971 film based on the same story was also a great success.

The play narrates episodes of the milkman Tevye’s life, in his effort to keep his family united through the respect of the almighty tradition, in the Jewish community from the Russian village Anatevka.

Directed by: Korcsmáros György
Set design: Vioara Bara
Costume design: Amalia Judea
Choreography: András Loránd

Cast: Tevye - Richard Balint; Golde - Ioana Dragoş Gajdo; Tzeitel - Angela Tanko/Mihaela Gherdan; Hodel - Adela Lazăr; Hava - Alina Leonte; Shprintze - Anca Sigmirean; Bielke - Sânziana Vrabie; Yente - Elvira Platon-Rîmbu; Lazăr Wolf - Ion Abrudan; Motel - Pavel Sîrghi; Percik - Răzvan Vicoveanu; Fyedka - Ciprian Ciuciu; The police officer - Daniel Vulcu; Avram - George Voinese; Mordcha - Alexandru Rusu; Nahum - Andrei Fazecaş; Mendel - Florian Silaghi; Rabbi - Emil Sauciuc; Fruma Sara - Lidia Leța; Bunica Tzeitel - Corina Cernea; Sasha - Andrian Locovei; Shandel - Mirela Niţă-Lupu; Yussel - Igor Lungu.