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Mihai Măniuţiu | artistic and executive director



30 October 1954, Cluj


- PhD in theatre with the thesis: Introduction to the philosophy of acting, National University of Theatre, Bucharest (2006);
- BA in theatre directing, “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theatre, Bucharest (1978).

Prizes received:

- Free Theatre Award - UNDER ANY CLOUD, UNDERCLOUD Independent Theatre Festival, 31 August 2016;

- "Partener in resistance and excellence" Diploma awarded by Nottara Theatre, Bucharest, 2016;
- Audience Award for DON QUIJOTE based on Cervantes, Târgu-Mureş National Theatre, Fest(in) the Boulevard International Theatre Festival, organised by Nottara Theatre, 2015;
- Prize for the entire activity as a director, UNITER, 28 April 2014;
- Prize for the Best Performance - WALPURGISNACHT or STEPS OF THE COMMODORE by Venedict Yerofeyev - at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, 21st edition, Brasov, 12-20 November 2009;
- Prize for the best dramaturgy and Prize for the Best Director at the Antic Theatre Festival from Merida, Spain - ELECTRA (The performance has also been rewarded with the Best Actress Prize in 2008 for Mariana Presecan);

- Prize for the Best Performance, UNITER - WOYZECK by G. Büchner (2006);

- "Vlad Mugur" prize for the best invited director, awarded by the Hungarian Cluj State Theatre (2006);

- "Excellency in Theatre" Prize awarded by Cuvîntul Cultural Magazine (2005);

- Prize for the Best Director, UNITER - JOB EXPERIMENT (2004);

- Prize for the Best Director, UNITER - AT THE VERY SAME TIME by Gellu Naum (2003);

- "Interferenţe" Prize of Romanian Cultural Foundation for the "exceptional contribution to promoting Romanian theatre abroad" (2000);

- Prize for the Best Performance, Gdansk Shakespeare Festival - TIMON OF ATHENS by W. Shakespeare (1999);

- Prize for the Best Director awarded by Flacăra Cultural Magazine (1998);

- Prize for the Best Director, UNITER - RICHARD II by W. Shakespeare (1997);

- Grand Prize of the International Theatre Festival Piatra Neamţ, 12tf edition ANTIGONY by Sophocles (1995);

- Grand Prize of the International Theatre Festival Braşov, 20th edition, ed. a XX-a - THE WEEK OF RESURECTION by Mihail Săulescu (1994);

- Grand Prize and the Trophy of Bucharest at "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre Festival (1993);

- Prize for the Best Performance, UNITER - RICHARD III by W. Shakespeare (1993);

- Prize for originality in directing at "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre Festival - THE LESSON BY Eugen Ionescu (1992);

- The UNITER Critics’ Prize for directing - OUTSIDE IN FRONT OF THE DOOR by W. Borchert (1991);

- Tribuna Cultural Magazine’s prize for the Best Performance for BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS by Jean-Paul Sartre (1982);

- Prize for the Best Performance and Best Director at the Theatre Festival for Youth for OEDIPUS SAVED by Radu Stanca (1977).

Foreign languages:
French, English



Activity at the National Theatre


Other activities

Theatre performances directed in Romania and abroad:

RAMBUKU by Jon Fosse, “Mihai Eminescu“ National Theatre Timișoara (2017);
THE JOURNAL OF ROBINSON CRUSOE, a musical based on The Island by Gellu Naum, Odeon Theatre, Bucharest (2017);
PIRANDELLO CAFÉ, script by Anca Măniuțiu - based on texts by Luigi Pirandello, Regina Maria Theatre, Oradea (2017);

Goldberg Show - The making of the world and other happenings, adaptation by Anca Măniuţiu based on the Goldberg Variations by George Tabori (2016);
Winter by Jon Fosse, "Nottara" Theatre, Bucharest (2016);
Alcohol with lyrics by Ion Mureșan, "Nottara" Theatre, Bucharest (2016);

AT YOUR COMMAND, FÜHRER! by Brigitte Schwaiger, "Aureliu Manea" Theatre, Turda (2016);

- 3 HOURS AFTER MIDNIGHT by Mihai Măniuţiu, dramaturgy: Anca Măniuţiu, "Tony Bulandra" Theatre Târgovişte (2015); - REQUIEM FOR A SPY by George Tabori, Cluj Hungarian Theatre (2015);
- THE METEOR by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, translated by: Aurel Buteanu, dramaturgy: Anca Măniuţiu, Timişoara National theatre (2015);
VERTIJdirection and script: Mihai Măniuţiu, "Aureliu Manea“ Municipal Theatre, Turda (2015);
THE ELECTRA PROJECT, direction and adaptation: Mihai Măniuţiu, Claire Trevor Theatre, Claire Trevor School of the Arts, University of California, Irvine (2015);
- DON QUIJOTE after Miguel de Cervantes, Tîrgu Mureş National Theatre (2013)
- LIFE IS MORE BEAUTIFUL AFTER YOU DIE by Mihai Măniuţiu, "Tomcsa Sándor" Theatre, Odorheiu Secuiesc (2014)
- THE LESSON by Eugène Ionesco, "Radu Stanca" National Theatre, Sibiu (2014)
- FUN by J. Bosley, "Aureliu Manea" Theatre, Turda (2014)

- MISTER SWEDENBORG WANTS TO DREAM by Mihai Măniuţiu, Iaşi National Theatre (2012)

- AFTER TROY, script by Mihai Măniuţiu based on “Hecuba” and other tragedies by Euripides, UC Irvine California, Irvine, USA

- DEATH AND THE PLOUGHMAN after Johannes von Tepl, Hungarian Theatre of Cluj (2012)

- THE GUITAR MAN by Jon Fosse, Turda Municipal Theatre (2012)
- LEONCE AND LENA, based on G. Buchner, script by Mihai Măniuţiu and Ada Milea, "Regina Maria" Theatre Oradea (2012)
- HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA by F.G. Lorca, "Ioan Slavici" Classic Theatre Arad (2012)
- DELIRIUMS, script by Mihai Măniuţiu, Art Theatre Deva (2012)
- LIFE IS A DREAM by Calderon de la Barca, Timişoara National Theatre (2012)
- ANTIGONA by Sofocle, "I.D. Sârbu" Theatre Petroşani (2011)
- OTHELLO, script by Mihai Măniuţiu, M Studio Movement Theatre, Sf. Gheorghe (2011)
- CALIGULA by Albert Camus, Hungarian Theatre of Cluj (2011)
- BACCHAE based on Euripides, Municipal Theatre Istanbul, Turkey (2010)

- HERE, AT THE GATES OF DARKNESS, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, "Vasile Alecsandri" National Theatre, Iaşi (2010);

- THE SWAN SONG by A.P. Cehov, "Ioan Slavici" Classic Theatre, Arad (2010);

- DANTONS DEATH by G. Büchner, Cluj Hungarian State Theatre (2009);

- BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS by Jean-Paul Sartre, "Sică Alexandrescu" State Theatre, Braşov (2008);

- THE REST by George Banu, "Tony Bulandra" Theatre, Tîrgovişte (2008);

- MACBETH by W. Shakespeare, "Vasile Alecsandri" National Theatre, Iaşi (2007);

- ESSAYS ON THE BANALITY OF EVIL, Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest (2007);

- SONG OF SONGS, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, Cluj Hungarian State Theatre (2007);

- ECCLESIASTES, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, Sibiu National Theatre (2007);


- WOYCZEK by G. Büchner, Cluj Hungarian State Theatre (2005), Prize for Best Performance, UNITER Galas (2006);

- PHAEDRAS LOVE by Sarah Kane, "Ioan Slavici" Classical Theatre, Arad (2006);

- OEDIPUS REX by Sophocles, Cluj Hungarian State Theatre (2006);

- THE WITNESSES OR OUR SMALL STABILITY by Tadeusz Różewicz, "Tony Bulandra" Theatre, Tîrgovişte (2006);

- MEDEA by Euripides, "Tamasi Aron" Theatre, Sf. Gheorghe (2005);

- DREAMS ON THE TITANIC, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, "Tony Bulandra" Theatre, Tîrgovişte (2005);

- THE FUTURE IS IN EGGS by Eugen Ionescu, Theatrum Mundi, Bucharest (2005);

- ELECTRA, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu based on Sophocles and Euripides, Sibiu State Theatre (2005);

- FRENZY FOR TWO by Eugen Ionescu, "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Braşov (2005);

- SHOAH. THE PRIMO LEVI VERSION, Oradea State Theatre (2004);

- I, RODIN by Patrick Roegiers, Sibiu State Theatre (2004);

- THE PERSIANS based on Aeschylus, Sibiu State Theatre (2004);

- ELECTRA based on Sophocles and Euripides, Oradea State Theatre (2004);

- THE TEMPATION OF SAINT ANTHONY by Flaubert, "Tony Bulandra" Theatre, Tîrgovişte (2004);

- JOB EXPERIMENT, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu based on The Book of Job (Old Testament), "Radu Stanca" Theatre, Sibiu (2003);

- THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS by Christopher Marlowe, Cluj Hungarian State Theatre (2003);

- 16 LESSONS ON THE DISASTERS OF CARNAL LOVE scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu based on The Song of the Songs, "Oleg Danovski" Theatre, Constanţa (2003);

- THE BACCHAE by Euripides, „Tony Bulandra" Theatre, Tîrgovişte (2003);

- MASTER LEONIDA FACING THE REACTIONARIES by I.L. Caragiale, Odeon Theatre, Bucharest (2002);

- THE INTRUDER by M. Maeterlinck, Oradea State Theatre (2002);
- ZOON EROTIKON scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, „Bulandra" Theatre, Bucharest (2000);

- THE TAMING OF THE SHREW by Shakespeare, SMART coproduction with „Bulandra" Theatre, Bucharest (2000);

- GENOSSE FRANKENSTEIN, UNSER GELIEBTER FÜHRER!, scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, Weimar, European cultural Capital 1999 cproduction with Act Theatre and Odeon Theatre, Bucharest (1999);

- JOAN OF ARC. PAGES OF A FILE scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, SMART coproduction with Bucharest National Theatre (1999);

- A WILD NIGHT by I.L. Caragiale, SMART coproduction with Odeon Theatre, Bucharest (1998);

- TIMON OF ATHENS by W. Shakespeare, Craiova National Theatre (1998)

- RICHARD II by W. Shakespeare, SMART coproduction with Bucharest National Theatre (1998);

- THE CITADEL OF THE SUN scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu, based on Tomasso Campanella’s essay, Act Theatre, Bucharest (1998);

THE BACCHAE by Euripides, Bucharest National Theatre (1997);
THE PORTUGUESE NUNS LETTERS scenario by Mihai Măniuţiu based on Mariana Alcoforados letters, Youth Theatre, Piatra-Neamţ (1997);

CALIGULA by A. Camus, „Bulandra" Theatre, Bucharest (1996);

ANTIGONY by Sophocles, Youth Theatre, Piatra-Neamţ (1996);

THE BACCHAE by Euripides, Bucharest National Theatre (1997);

THE TAMING OF THE SHREW by W. Shakespeare, Leicester, UK, Haymarket Theatre (1995);

RICHARD III by W. Shakespeare, Odeon Theatre (1993);

THE LESSON by Eugen Ionescu, Charleroi, Belgium, Théâtre de l’Ancre (1993);

COMEDIES by Tchekhov, Odeon Theatre, Bucharest (1992);

OUTSIDE IN FRONT OF THE DOOR by W. Borchert, „Bulandra" Theatre (1991);
HAPPY DAYS by S. Beckett, „Bulandra"Theatre (1985);

BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS by Jean-Paul Sartre, „Bulandra" Theatre (1982);

OEDIPUS SAVED by Radu Stanca, Bucharest University of Theatre, Theatre Studio (1977).



- TOSCA by Giacomo Puccini, Cluj National Opera (2008)
- OTELLO by Giuseppe Verdi (2008)
- THE PEARL FISHERS by G. Bizet, Bucharest National Opera (2002)
- THE SECRET OF DON GIOVANNI by Cornel Ţăranu, Cluj State Opera (1987)

Academic activity:
- Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania;
- Visiting Professor la Drama Department, University of California Irvine, USA (January-March 2009);
- Professor at European Directors School, Leeds, UK (March-April 2006).

Published books:
  Stories and poems:

- Până una-alta, bybliotek Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012

- Exorcisme, bybliotek Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012

- În Balkanya, eu şi ceilaţi demoni, bybliotek Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012

- Opiniile unui călător nedemn de încredere, bybliotek Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012

- Il rauco suon, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj,  2006
- Povestiri cu umbre,
Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj,  2006
- Memoriile hingherului
,  Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj,  2004, and bybliotek Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012
- Spune Scardanelli, Idea Publishing House, Cluj, 2001
- Autoportret cu himere, Alfa Publishing House, Bucureşti, 2001
- Omphalos Idea Publishing House, Cluj, 2001
- Scene intime. Scene de masă, Univers encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucureşti, 2001
- Istorii pe care n-am să le scriu, Alfa Publishing House, Bucureşti, 1998
- Un zeu aproape muritor, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj, 1982 and bybliotek Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012

- Exorcisme, Ed. Apostrof, Cluj, 1996

  Studies on the theme of power in Shakespeares opera:
- Cursa de şoareci şi alte eseuri shakespeariene (ed.revizuită a Cercului de aur), Festivalul Internaţional de Teatru "Shakespeare" din Craiova/ Ed. Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj,  2008
- Cercul de aur, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1989

  Theatre theory:
- Mască şi iluzie, Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2007;
Act şi mimare, Ed. Eminescu, Bucureşti, 1989
- Redescoperirea actorului, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1985


  Books about Mihai Măniuţiu:
- Mihai Măniuţiu - Spaţiul cameleonic de Cristina Modreanu, Ed. Bybliotek, Cluj, 2010
- Mihai Măniuţiu - ipostaze esenţiale de Mircea Morariu, Ed. Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj, 2008
- Dansînd pe ruine/ Danser sur les ruines/ Dancing on ruins de Dan C. Mihăilescu, Ed. Idea Design & Print, Cluj, 2006
- MĂNIUŢIU. Imagini de spectacol/ Spectacles en images/ Theatre Images de Cipriana Petre-Mateescu, Ed. Idea Design & Print, Cluj, 2002
- The Trilogy of the Double, Ed. Unitext, Bucureşti, 1997

Books by Mihai Măniuţiu translated in other languages:
A sintér emlékiratai (translated in Hungarian by Karácsony Zsolt), Ed. AB-ART, Slovacia, 2008
- Aktus és utánzás (translated in Hungarian by Zsigmond Andrea), Ed. Koinónia, Cluj, 2006