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Alexandra Tarce | actress



20 April 1990, Arad


- MA in Acting at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, "Babeş - Bolyai" University of Cluj (20012-2014);


- BA in Acting Faculty of Theatre and Television, "Babeş - Bolyai" University of Cluj, coordinator:  prof. Miriam Cuibus, PhD (2009-2012).


Workshops attended:

- Workshop conducted by Alexandru Dabija, 2013;

- Workshop "Movement and physical theatre" conducted by Peter Uray, 2012;

- Workshop "Chekhov technique" conducted by David Zinder, 2011;

- Workshop "Viewpoints" conducted by Bronwin Twidle, 2010;

- Workshop "Bodies and characters" conducted by Romano Garnier, 2008;

- Workshop within the festival Rencontres du Jeune Théâtre Européen, in Grenoble, France. Workshop conducted by Mariagiovanna Rosati-Hansen, 2008;

- Workshop "C'est pas moi, c'est l'autre" conducted by Pascal Bekkar, 2007;


- Workshop "Corps-espace-jeu" conducted by Jérome Lecerf, 2007. 


Activity at the National Theatre


Other activities

Theatre roles:
Jenna in DEMONS by Lars Noren, director Răzvan Mureșan, Artimo Association and Theatre Jolly, 2013.

- Gherasim Luca's collegues in THE INVENTOR OF LOVE  by Gherasim Luca, director and set design: Horațiu Mihaiu, choreography: Mălina Andrei, Deva Art Theatre, 2012.


Film roles:

Alexandra in Cassette 4/Alexandra, director Cristian Pascariu, 2012.

Roles in student productions:

- Glory in ALMOST based on John Cariani, director Leta Popescu, 2013.

- Dorra in HOTEL EUROPE COMPLETE based on Matei Vişniec, director Miriam Cuibus, 2013.

- Ofelia in I AM OFELIA based on o a short story by Gertrude Fussenegger, one-woman show, director Miriam Cuibus, 2012.

- Blind woman in DOWN WAY by Oleg Bogaev, prof. Miriam Cuibus, 2012.

- Ariel in THE SHIP OF THE MAD, based on texts by William Shakespeare, prof. Miriam Cuibus, 2011.

- Pezzetino in THE APOCALYPSE ACORDING TO PULCINELLA, commedia dell'arte performance, prof. Miriam Cuibus, 2011.

- Bacchae in THE BACCHAE by Euripides, director Andrei Măjeri, 2010.

- Medea in MEDEA by Euripides, director Marciana Negrea, 2010.

- Margarita in THE MAESTER AND MARGARITA, based on "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov, prof. Miriam Cuibus, 2010.


- Little Lady in MAIN STREET, non-verbal collective performance, prof. Miriam Cuibus, 2010.