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after poems by Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle

director, set and costume design and music selection: Emanuel Petran
lighting design: Mădălina Mânzat

Emanuel Petran
Angelica Nicoară

stage manager: Răzvan Pojonie
lights technician: Alexandru Corpodean
sound technician: Vasile Crăciun
prompter: Alina Forna

The show Angel and Demon starts from the in-depth study of Mihai Eminescu's work, inviting the public to join Emanuel Petran și Angelica Nicoară in the exploration of the nation poet's biography in its concrete and spiritual aspects. The show marks each defining stage in Eminescu's work, through a selection of representative poems and by summarizing his entire transformative and creative process in one play, set on Christmas Eve. Three fundamental stages are identified: the one influenced by his studies in Vienna and by his fascination with the scientific theories of the time, which we can see in texts such as La Steaua and The First Letter; the love poems inspired by his relationship with Veronica Micle; and, finally, the return to ancestral values, to faith, expressed as a prayer to the mother of God. Presenting this trajectory as a true process of initiation, culminating with the assimilation of ancestral spirituality, the director showcases a series of feminine avatars, represented onstage by Angelica Nicoară: the goddess Diana, who accompanies Eminescu in his scientific explorations; Love, with all of its manifestations, from Platonic love to sexual love; and, finally, Mary, mother of God, who puts an end to the cycle of self-exploration with the acceptance of one's own mortality through the promise of eternal redemption. 

Opening date: Sunday, January 14 2024

"Euphorion" Studio
1h 15 min.