20 lei, 15 lei (discounts for pensioners).
Chiritza in concert is a kind of opera bouffe or ultrabouffe, to use a more contemporary term (...) a comical opera directed, as I was saying, by Anca Hanu, who has turned out to be an exceptional actress (...) Ada Milea and Anca Hanu's show is a triumph of comical and satirical theatre.
Nicolae Prelipceanu, Chiritza râde, cântă și dansează / Chiritza laughs, sings and dances,
in Teatrul azi no. 12/2019
Chiritza in concert is, undoubtedly, Anca Hanu's show (in collaboration with Ada Milea, who took part in the creation of the music and the lyrics): she has an absolutely incredible voice and incredible musical abilities, despite the absence of the musical from our theatrical tradition; remarkably expressive stage movements, remarkable facial expressions and physical endurance; she is always in control of the scene (Chiritza is everywhere, in everything and with everybody), which is very rare (...) Chiritza is one of Ada Milea's most elaborate productions from a musical point of view and has the potential to generate true musical hits.
Iulia Popovici, Recuperarea moldovenismului, de la Galați la Cluj / Reimagining the Moldovan Spirit, from Galați to Cluj,
in Observator cultural no. 993 (734) October 31st - November 6th 2019
Ada Milea has created and established a kind of theatrical production which dramatises music and makes it dominate the entire concert-performance (...) For Chiritza in concert, she used texts by Vasile Alecsandri and Matei Millo, reinterpreting and adapting them to contemporary times in collaboration with Anca Hanu (...) [leading the actors], literally and figuratively, through a truly enchanting performance.
Oltița Cîntec, Ce-am făcut la FNT 2019 / What I Did at FNT 2019,
in Observator cultural no. 993, October 30th 2019
An exceptional show by Ada Milea, Chiritza in concert is a contemporary adaptation of texts by Vasile Alecsandri and Matei Millo, which has charmed the public (...) The spectators laughed their heads off and there was rapturous applause for a team which managed to convey they joy of playfulness and the satisfaction of actors being one with their characters.
Tamara Constantinescu, O sută de ani de teatru românesc, nouă ediții și multe aplauze -
Întâlnirile Internaționale de la Cluj, 2019 / A Hundred Years of Romanian Theatre, Nine Editions and Many Rounds of Applause - The International Meetings in Cluj 2019,
on LiterNet.ro, November 6th 2019
Ada Milea's concert-performance Chiritza in concert was produced at the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca and is a must-see, for multiple reasons:
First of all, because it proves that another centenary can be celebrated in a relaxed atmosphere, smiling, just like the ones we celebrated in the last few years. With the tagline Together, the 9th edition of the International Meetings of the National Theatre of Cluj (9-13 October) marked the centenary of the institution, which was founded one year after the Great Union of 1918.
Second of all, because, in theatre, comedy has helped us, ever since Alecsandri, to inspect our own apparently incurable flaws, and Ada Milea's genre - the concert-performance - provides a humorous, detached and highly enjoyable satire on the ambitions and the snobbery of Romanian upstarts old and new.
Third of all, due to the exceptional performance of the actors from Cluj, who have worked together to create a high-quality musical, proving their professional maturity. The spoken text and the songs alternate seamlessly, given that the actors are able to sing and play all sorts of curious instruments, as well.
Oana Cristea Grigorescu, Cronici în foileton de la un centenar prelungit / Serial Chronicles for a Prolonged Centenary,
In the magazine Scena.ro, October 22nd 2019
The adventures, voudeville plot twists and commedia dell'arte elements, the comical text, the perfect choreography, the actors who charm us with their enthusiasm and their talent, while taking part in a whirlwind of events and lively songs - all these make up one hour and 10 minutes of pure enjoyable theatre. The actors' roles are equally important, but Anca Hanu stands out through her dramatic and musical energy, which has also impressed a well-known opera critic from Cluj. The ending is grandiose, forceful, with a heavy metal soundtrack. The enthusiastic public showered the actors and the director Ada Milea with multiple rounds of applause, calling them back onstage seven or eight times.
Eugen Cojocaru, „Broadway-musical" made in Cluj,
In the magazine Tribuna, no. 400, 1-15 May 2019
The crazy premiere from a couple of days ago was extremely enjoyable. The show is full of burlesque music and adorable tricks. The cheerful Alecsandri, "combined with Millo" and with Ada Milea and Anca Hanu's ample comical songs, create a fine atmosphere on the stage of the National Theatre of Cluj. The show lasts for one hour and five minutes, undermining any and all sense of classical comfort. Its creators insisted on naming it Chiritza in concert (...) we go to the theatre to have fun, because, to quote Alecsandri, That's what the world is, a comedy / And we are actors playing our roles / We have no stronger desire / Than to deserve applause... Well, there have been multiple rounds of applause for Chiritza in concert, just like for any show involving the "big" names of contemporary theatre.
Adrian Țion, O Chiriță muzicală la Cluj / A Musical Chiritza in Cluj,
in Făclia, March 3rd 2019
Ada Milea has outdone herself in this show at the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, in which she reinvents - musically - each character, distributing the songs according to the actors' various talents and personalities (...) Chiritza in concert is a show fit for all age groups, social categories and aesthetic preferences. Nobody could dislike it. Because Ada Milea has calibrated everything with great care, she has alternated the rhythms and the musical styles so subtly, just like in the best musicals ever produced; she has given the actors the opportunity to express themselves musically like never before. So, I think her place in the history of (Romanian) theatre is already a given: this is one of those shows which stay with you for a long time.
Nona Rapotan, Cum s-o aduci pe Chiritza în concert / How to Make a Musical Chiritza,
on BookHUB, March 15th 2019
Viorica Dăncilă as Chiritza! A remarkable show at the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca. "Chiritza in concert", by Ada Milea, with songs by Ada Milea and Anca Hanu, set and costumes design by Alexandra Constantin. A musical which showcases Anca Hanu's exceptional talents - in theatre and music alike - alongside her fellow actors and singers: Cornel Răileanu, Mihnea Blidariu, Cristian Rigman, Sânziana Tarța, Miron Maxim, Matei Rotaru, Radu Dogaru, Cosmin Stănilă. Not only Vasile Alecsandri's Chiritza, but also Chiritza-Dăncilă, an enjoyable satire on contemporary Romania and its incompetent, ignorant, ridiculous, corrupt politicians. Ada Milea adds to Alecsandri's comical story a series of absurd elements, which make the show resemble an amplified "Bald Soprano".
Ruxandra Cesereanu, Chirița Dăncilă!,
on Ruxandracesereanu's Weblog
Vasile Alecsandri and Matei Millo have taken madam Chiritza from her home in Bârzoieni, Iași and have made her travel, even by hot air balloon; Ada Milea has brought her to Cluj, with a musical twist (...) The show proves that the subject of the play bears renewal. It is a fresh take, with the characters being treated with both empathy and condescending delicacy. On stage, we encounter a whirlwind of humour and irony around the central figure: the fierce, ignorant Chiritza Bârzoi from Bârzoieni, the famous parvenu, dressed up in a costume most appropriate for her exaggerated ambitions.
Adrian Țion, Coana Chiritza la Cluj / Madam Chiritza in Cluj,
in the magazine Steaua, no. 4/2019