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based on texts by Gabriel Liiceanu, Adriana Bittel, Ioana Pârvulescu, Radu Paraschivescu, Ana Blandiana

director: Tudor Lucanu
set and costume design: Tudor Lucanu
video projections: Cristian Pascariu
lighting designer: Jenel Moldovan

Mihai-Florian Nițu
Diana Buluga
Petre Băcioiu
Radu Lărgeanu
Ioan Isaiu

stage manager: Ioan Negrea
sound technician: Vlad Negrea
video projections: Vasile Crăciun
lighting technicians: Andrei Mitran, Ionuț Maier

Love, the most wonderful feeling on earth, is now debated upon in the intimate ambiance of "Euphorion". You will have the opportunity to possibly see yourselves in these stories, to remember the times when you also fell in love at first sight. It's a chance to bring back into focus times fallen into oblivion. Our role here is to explore along with you the paradoxes of the heart, when flooded by that warm wave, that raspberry-flavored feeling, those butterflies swarming chaotically through your stomach.

Ticket prices:
50 lei, 40 lei (depending on the seat location);
10 lei (reducere pentru elevi și studenți);
20 lei (discounts for pensioners).


Opening date: Friday, February 23 2018

"Euphorion" Studio
1h 30 min.