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EVERY TZARA HAS HIS DADA (The Ghost of Elsinore)


by Ion Pop, Ștefana și Ioan Pop-Curșeu

director: Ştefana Pop-Curşeu
set and costume design: Filip Odangiu, Rareș Stoica
video and sound design: Rareș Stoica
choreographer: Cătălin Codreanu
fumisterii: Cristian Grosu
lighting designer: Jenel Moldovan

Tristan Tzara: Filip Odangiu
St. Gargal, Marcel Iancu and other characters: Rareș Stoica
St. Casdoas, Hugo Ball and other characters: Cătălin Codreanu
St. Govdela, Richard Huelsenbeck and other characters: Cristian Grosu
Maya and other characters: Ştefana Pop-Curşeu

stage manager: Constantin Pojonie
lights technician: Mădălina Mânzat, Ionuț Maier
sound technician: Vlad Negrea

"Borrowing the structure of the Dada play Mouchoir de Nuages (Cloud Handkerchief), the production Every Tzara Has His Dada brings to stage the impressive Dada artistic legacy, thus celebrating one hundred years since the emergence of this avant-garde movement that shook the foundations of traditional art and encouraged the modernist developments in Art History Dramaturgically constructed from Tristan Tzara's texts (manifestos, poetry, theatre), as well as from the correspondence with his friends and their writings, the production rememorizes, in a Dada manner, the biography of the poet Tzara, from his departure from Romania and the first soirees at Cabaret Voltaire, to the moment of the self-dissolution of the Dada movement, of Tzara's disconnection with surrealism and of his seeking refuge in studying the anagrams of François Villon's works. The spectators will witness a hallucinatory collage-story, in which the theatre opens its doors to the dada manifestos, the simultaneous poems, the black songs, the approximate man, the rituals, the friendships and discords of these young, exalted, art vigilantes, all appearing as happy and sad ghosts bearing avant-garde masks."  

Ștefana Pop-Curșeu

Ticket prices:

25 lei;

10 lei - discounts for pupils, students and pensioners.

The production is made within the "Dada 100: life / art / museum" Project, realized in partnership with the Faculty of Theatre and Television BBU Cluj and Persona Association. 


Opening date: Tuesday, February 9 2016

"Euphorion" Studio
1h 15 min.