Set in contemporary times, in the vision of the young theater director István Albu, Genet’s play reaches new dimensions: the conflict between social classes is doubled by the one between generations, material frustrations and spiritual poverty are now emphasized by the opulence and snobbism of the consumerist society and the highlife of young stars. A schizophrenic society that encourages exhibitionism and duplicity, a society of perpetual performance which pushes individuals in front of the camera, revealing their ugliness, a society where reckless lavishness is combined with the lack of all authentic generosity and understanding between people: this is the world of The Maids. A world which reveals the dark, ugly side life which people refuse to acknowledge. And how could we acknowledge that we always want more and more, that we fear ourselves and solitude, that we enhance our frustrations through fake masks, transforming all authentic love and tenderness into hatred, disgust and killer instincts? Nothing absurd here, just the sad condition of man today and always.
Ștefana Pop-Curșeu
25 lei, 20 lei;
10 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.