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după ZEUL MĂCELULUI de Yasmina Reza

translated to Romanian by Tudor Țepeneag

director: Cristian Hadji-Culea
set and costume design: Valentin Codoiu
set and costume design assistant: Cătălina Chirilă
lighting designer: Jenel Moldovan

Véronique Houllié: Irina Wintze
Michel Houllié: Marian Râlea
Anette Reille: Diana Buluga
Alain Reille: Miron Maxim

stage manager: Arhidiade Mureşan
lights technician: Mădălina Mânzat, Alexandru Corpodean, Ionuţ Maier
sound technician: Vasile Crăciun
prompter: Crina Onaca

GOD OF CARNAGE / Le Dieu du carnage was written in 2006. Jurgen Gösch staged it at the Schauspielhaus in Zürich, and then the author herself directed the production of the play at the Antoine Theatre from Paris, with the following cast: Isabelle Huppert, André Marcon, Valérie Bonneton and Éric Elmosnino. Roman Polanski’s film, Carnage, based on a script designed by the playwright herself and for which she won the award for best film adaptation at the 2011 edition of the Cannes Film Festival, contributed to her fame. The film had a prestigious cast: Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, John C. Reilly and Christoph Waltz. For her plays, the author received important awards such as the Laurence Olivier Award (UK) and the Tony Award (USA).

In the living-room of the Houllié family, a room full of books and with pictures depicting an African war zone on the wall, the Reille family arrives, invited to discuss a seemingly unimportant event: Ferdinand, the child of the Reille family, damaged the front teeth of Bruno, the boy of the Houllié family. The encounter starts in a civilized manner, as dictated by social conventions, only to degenerate in a frantic, yet bitterly amusing, confrontation between the two couples, which reveals all the frustrations of married life. 

Ticket prices:

50 lei, 40 lei, 30 lei, 20 lei, 10 lei (depending on the seat location);

10 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.

Opening date: Thursday, July 24 2014

Main stage
1h 30 min.