stage manager: [Arhidiade Mureşan] / Răzvan Pojonie
lights technician: Jenel Moldovan, Alexandru Corpodean
sound technician: Vasile Crăciun
"The incapacity to name is a good symptom of disturbance" notes Barthes in Camera Lucida. It is almost impossible for a director to describe his work, a phenomenon which is split, shared with and calibrated by the sensitivity of the actors, set designer, techinicians...I can only present to the future spectators glimpses of the future performance.
Horror sounds. Pear brandy. Axes. Boxes. Felines. Smooth skin. Old age. Stories. Mysterious treasure. In Pandora's Box we find mixed in a plat du jour very diverse ingredients: grotesque characters, comical situations, dramatic stories, surrealist-like settings etc. Hilda and Bandi are two animated characters from a story that stretches, like a true family saga, over more than five decades: the history of a hidden treasure. Their perpetual aggressions reveal the dysfunctional elements of a family always a step closer to becoming rich... A step no one is willing to take, a fact well put into words by Hilda: „Your father's hatred was even greater than his greed". Hilda and Bandi hurt each other, releasing intense energies in a small fighting place, in a place crowded with "old rags". What will become of these two characters when outside it is cold and dark and the room remains empty? Everything else goes in the boxes. I would like to thank the two actors, Miriam Cuibus and Cătălin Codreanu, for their professionalism, patience and playfulness! I owe my first production in a national theatre to them.
Andrei Măjeri
Ticket prices:
25 lei, 20 lei;
10 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.
Undoubtedly, Pandora's Box is Miriam Cuibus's show. It is a testament to this great actress's professionalism and generosity. As I was saying, the role mandates that the protagonist devour her partner. Miriam Cuibus does not do this indifferently, selfishly or possessively; instead, she grants Cătălin Codreanu multiple opportunities to stand out, which he takes full advantage of. At the same time, Miriam Cuibus is generous and wise enough to avoid going against the internal rhythm of the show, against its general logic and vitality. In other words, she never goes against the parameters established by the director. Andrei Măjeri knew how to obtain these effects with the greatest care.
Mircea Morariu, Spectacolul şlagăr / A Hit Show, in adevă, June 3rd 2014 and Teatrul azi, no. 7-8-9/2014
From beginning to end, the story is full of witty, funny lines, doubled by actress Miriam Cuibus's exacerbated, spot-on facial expressions; her performance is spectacular (...) Pandora's Box would not have been such a successful show without Miriam Cuibus's excellent performance, who uses her body, her voice and her eyes in a dizzying manner; she plays an old crazy hag with youthful energy and with the greatest pleasure.