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by Eugène Ionesco
translated to Romanian by Vlad Russo and Vlad Zografi

a production by: Gábor Tompa
set and costume design: Judit Dobre-Kóthay

Mr. Smith: Cătălin Herlo
Mrs. Smith: Elena Ivanca
Mr. Martin: Adrian Cucu
Mrs. Martin: Angelica Nicoară
Mary, the maid: Irina Wintze
The Fire Chief: Ionuț Caras
The Harlequin: Silvius Iorga
The Owner of the Magic Box: [Paul Basarab] / Petre Băcioiu

stage manager: [Estera Biro], Constantin Pojonie
lights technician: Jenel Moldovan, Dorel Şimon, Alexandru Corpodean
sound technician: Marius Rusu, Vasile Crăciun
sufleur: Crina Onaca

"In a way, what Ionesco says is that we can not avoid our own history, our own story, and that is why we deserve the globalization, because we repeat over and over again the same words, the same actions, day by day. They became clichés, with no content and no meaning and that is when we start living according to manuals or software which, as perfect as they are, only enlarge the communicational abyss between people. This is what Ionesco shows, with extraordinary humor, love and even compassion for his characters.

The structure of The Bald Soprano resembles the perfection of music and that is why, just as a conductor returns to a musical piece together with a new orchestra, this text needs to be approached as if it were a symphony by any director who returns to work on it. This musical structure of the text shows us again that, once one has found the structure of a performance, as I believe we have, it becomes, together with the text, the key of the performance."


Gábor Tompa

Ticket prices:

50 lei, 40 lei, 30 lei, 20 lei, 10 lei (depending on the seat location);

10 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.

Opening date: Saturday, June 27 2009

Main stage
1h 40 min.