by Carlo Goldoni
translated to Romanian by Polixenia Karambi
Mona Marian
set and costume design:
Eugenia Tărăşescu-Jianu
music selection:
Corina Sîrbu
Pantalone de’Bisognosi:
Anton Tauf, Petre Băcioiu
Clarice, Pantalone’s daughter:
Eva Crişan
Doctor Lombardi:
Cornel Răileanu, Paul Basarab
Silvio, his son:
Adrian Cucu
Beatrice from Torino, appearing as a man, under the name Federigo Rasponi:
Ramona Dumitrean
Florindo Aretusi from Torino, Beatrice’s lover:
Dragoș Pop
Dan Chiorean
Smeraldina, Clarice’s maid:
Elena Ivanca
Truffaldino, Beatrice’s servant, then Florindo’s servant:
Ovidiu Crişan
A lover:
Angelica Nicoară, Patricia Brad
Irina Wintze
Adriana Băilescu, Cristian Grosu
Ruslan Bârlea
Cătălin Codreanu
A clown:
Cristian Rigman
stage manager:
Constantin Pojonie
lights technician:
Jenel Moldovan, Dorel Şimon
sound technician:
Vasile Crăciun
Crina Onaca
"I half of his plays, especially in Servant of Two Masters, Goldoni capture the essence of the art of improvisation, transformed by his imagination in an invincible testimony - just like the Mask, through interpretation, created a well defined type of character, Goldoni creates, through dramaturgy, the stage nature and the attributes of the character type." (Vito Pandolfi)
Ticket prices:
30 lei, 25 lei, 15 lei, 10 lei (depending on the seat location);
7,5 lei - discounts for pupils, students, pensioners.
Opening date: Thursday, May 8 2003
Main stage
2 h. 45 min., one intermission