11th edition, 28 September - 2 October 2022
Wednesday, 28 September
11 am, Cluj National Theatre, Euphorion Studio
A STORMY NIGHT by I.L. Caragiale | directed by: Dragoș Pop | performance screening
free entry within the limit of available seats.
5 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Euphorion Studio
WARTIME THEATRE | texts by Natalia Vorojbit, Tetiana Kitsenko, and Natalia Blok | a readers theatre performance | directed by: Ionuț Caras
8 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Main Stage
THREE SISTERS by A.P. Chekhov | adapted and directed by: Răzvan Mureșan
Thursday, 29 September
11 am, Cluj National Theatre, Foyer, 2nd level
THEATRE, MON AMOUR | lecture by Marina Constantinescu, followed by discussions
free entry within the limit of available seats.
4:30 pm, Cluj Art Museum
SURVIVOR’S SYNDROME by Andriy Bondarenko | directed by: Ștefana Pop-Curșeu | performance followed by panel discussion: THEATRE IN LIMIT SITUATIONS, with the participation of Ukrainian authors Andriy Bondarenko, Neda Nejdana, Tetiana Kitsenko, Natalia Blok, and the directors Tudor Lucanu and Ionuț Caras | facilitators: Ștefana Pop-Curșeu and Raluca Rădulescu
free entry within the limit of available seats.
8 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Main Stage
A LOST LETTER IN CONCERT, based on A Lost Letter by I.L. Caragiale | concert-performance by Ada Milea
Friday, 30 September
4 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Euphorion Studio
MAIDAN INFERNO by Neda Nejdana | a readers theatre performance | directed by: Tudor Lucanu
7 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Main Stage
THE COMPETITION (The Casting in Kursk) by Alexander Galin | directed by: Ionuț Caras
Saturday, 1 October
11 am, Cluj National Theatre, Foyer, 2nd level
DRAMATIC WRITING AND THE MOTIVATIONS OF CONTEMPORARY PLAYWRIGHTS | lecture by Matei Vișniec followed by the presentation of the anthology Plays from Romania: Dramaturgies of Subversion, edited and translated by Jozefina Komporaly, Bloomsbury, 2021
free entry within the limit of available seats.
3:00 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Euphorion Studio
Cristina Modreanu: Teatrul ca rezistență. Oameni de teatru in arhivele Securității [Theatre as Resistance. Thespians in the Archives of the Secret Police], Polirom Publishing House, 2022 | presented by Anca Hațiegan
Liviu Malița (coord.): Să nu privești înapoi. Comunism, dramaturgie, societate [Don’t Look Back. Communism, Dramaturgy, Society], Cluj University Press, 2022 | presented by I.B. Lefter
Alexa Visarion: Caragiale vizionarul [Caragiale the Visionary], Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2022 | presented by Cristina Modreanu
free entry within the limit of available seats.
4:00 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Euphorion Studio
THE MAN IN THE CIRCLE by Matei Vișniec | video-performance | directed by: Răzvan Mureșan
free entry within the limit of available seats.
7 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Main Stage
HANG UP, CALLS WAITING by Alexandra Felseghi | directed by: Adina Lazăr
Sunday, 2 October
11 am, Cluj National Theatre, Foyer, 2nd level
WARTIME THEATRE AND POLITICS | lecture by George Banu, followed by book presentation and signing: George Banu: Povestirile lui Horatio – portrete și mărturii ale maeștrilor scenei europene [Horatio’s Tales – Portraits and Testimonies of Masters of the European Stage], Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2021, and George Banu: Obiecte rănite [Wounded Objects], Nemira Publishing House, 2022
free entry within the limit of available seats.
4 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Euphorion Studio
MURDER WITH BB GUN by Horia Gârbea | directed by: Emanuel Petran | followed by a meeting with the playwright
7 pm, Cluj National Theatre, Main Stage
THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT by R.W. Fassbinder | directed by: Eugen Jebeleanu