Fourteen years ago, also on a Sturday, it was the opening of this tribute-performance, marking the declaration of love of the actor Anton Tauf for the poet Nichita Stănescu, passed away at fifty in a December 13. The fact that the actor knew personally the poet gives this poem-performance a special address. While teaching acting, the professor encouraged the young to recite. This impulse led to a class performance of which Marinela Țepuș wrote at the time: "Knots and signs is the title of a book by Nichita Stănescu. A title «materialized» inside a black cube by Ist year acting students of the Faculty of Letters of Cluj. The students were the knots, while the signs came from Nichita. Of course, through the love and generosity of their professor, actor Anton Tauf. So that we could never know if the «happening» I'm referring to can be called performance, recital or more simply and true: «Endless moment from a Nichita universe»". The actor has been bringing the poet to life ever since, persuading us every time that Nichita did not die in December.
We recorded and selected some of Anton Tauf's thoughts about his work on the performance Can't you see that you are standing in my lap, blind man?, in which he's joined by Ramona Dumitrean and Romina Merei.
The Island after Gellu Naum, Ada Milea's much-awarded concert-performance, produced with the company of the National Theatre from Cluj, turns six years from its premiere at the beginning of the next season. As fresh and full of life as it was from the start, the production will bring viewers out in the open, to lead them in Robinson and Friday's world depicted by Naum, along with Coco the billy goat and the Bedouin natives of an island lost in a sea of loneliness. But how could you still feel alone next to a much-enamored Mermaid and a wooden-legged Pirate, when besieged by Randolph and by Selkirke Grandmas, when Mary finds you and the frightening Mabolo, the cannibal king, recognizes you?
For one evening, on the occasion of "Cluj Days", The Unirii Square will turn into that musical and colorful Island, where we can escape daily monotony and wake up to life. Here is how the actors feel the moment of the performance:
The newest actor from the company of the National Theatre from Cluj, Mihai-Florian Nițu graduated the National University of Theatre and Film from Bucharest in 2013, in Professor Adrian Titieni's class. He played in Shakespeare's As You Like It („Tony Bulandra" Theatre from Târgoviște), Mariana Hartasanchez's A banjo and two Dead Men („Nottara" Theatre), Lia Bugnar's The Wall („Metropolis" Theatre), Sorina Creangă's La Bohème musical (Mignon Theatre), Ioan Petru Culianu's Oreste The King of Sounds („Tudor Vianu" Theatre from Giurgiu), Maitreyi after Mircea Eliade („Bulandra" Theatre), Line Knutzon's First you get born, Molière's Tartuffe, Histrion after Sartre and Shakespeare („Andrei Mureșanu" Theatre from Sfântu Gheorghe), Matei Vișniec's Requiem (The National Theatre from Bucharest), Dybbuk after S. Ansky (The State Jewish Theatre). While in faculty, he played in Kean after J.P. Sartre with inserts from Shakespeare, under the supervision of his class professor, Adrian Titieni. Starting from high-school, he was included in a theatre company that performed in the country and abroad. He received awards and nominations for the roles he played and took part in several theatre projects, education theatre projects, seminars, conferences, festivals and workshops.
At the National Theatre from Cluj-Napoca he played in C.C. Buricea-Mlinarcic's Playlist, Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange, and, most recently, in The Trial after Kafka.
Kean after J.P. Sartre with inserts from William Shakespeare is an older project the actor has resumed in several stages, until the present one.
We would like to announce you the performance 12 ANGRY MEN scheduled for the 13th of May 13, 2017, at 7pm, is postponed until the May 21, 2017, at 7pm.
The performance THE TRIAL scheduled for May 21, 2017, at 7pm will be moved forward and performed on May 13, 2017, at 7pm.
Your tickets for these performances are still valid for the new date or can be refunded at the Ticket Agency - for tickets purchased from the Agency, or - for tickets purchased online - by sending an email to confirm the order at, until May 13, 2017.
Also, the program of May will include an additional performance: DON JUAN by Molière, directed by Roberto Bacci, Thursday, May 11, 7pm.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we welcome you to our performances!