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The performance Amalia breathes deeply by Alina Nelega, directed by Tudor Lucanu and played by Anca Hanu - who was awarded for this part, at the 2015 UNITER Galas The Best Leading Actress Award and a year before, The Best Actress Award at the Short Theatre  Festival of Oradea - will participate in Lyon at the International Theatre Festival Sens interdits which takes place between 19-29 October 2017. Amalia breathes deep will have three presentations, on 28 and 29 October, at Théâtre de l'Élysée from Lyon.

The team of the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca has departed for Bucharest, to take part in the National Theatre Festival of Bucharest with two performances: The Trial after Kafka, directed by Mihaela Panainte with a scenography by Helmut Stürmer, and Playlist by C.C. Buricea Mlinarcic, directed by Tudor Lucanu. The Trial can be seen at Odeon Theatre, Majestic Hall, in 21 October from 9 p.m., and 22 October from 8 p.m., while Playlist will play at the National Theatre of Bucharest, Small Hall, in 23 October from 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. 

The 7th edition of the INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS IN CLUJ, organized by the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca in partnership with Conexio Association, will take place this year between 4-8 October.


This year's topic of Extremes invites theatre lovers not only to travel through theatre world, but also to reflect deeply upon limit situations. The performances displayed raise major questions, meant to stir our (often) asleep consciences, concerning issues like divergences from norm, caused by disfunctions of a society that has reached a major crisis, complicated cases of lives gone from totalitarianism to a rebel democracy, or the groteque arisen from black humour, which hides older or newer horrible crimes. Productions of the local theatre, like A Clockwork Orange, after Anthony Burgess' novel, directed by Răzvan Mureșan, Playlist, by C.C. Buricea-Mlinarcic, a play about totalitarianism and certain events following the 1989 Romanian Revolution, directed by Tudor Lucanu, The Trial after Franz Kafka's novel, directed by Mihaela Panainte, the invited performance Goldberg Show - The Making of the World and other Happenings after George Tabori, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, OST (Organic Sound Twist), a dance performance realized by Andrea Gavriliu, these are some of the productions presented within the event. Besides those, there will be two extreme evenings, with projections of experimental and horror short films from the ClujShorts ISFF. There will also be a conference held by the prestigious theatre specialist George Banu, The Theatre of Extremes and the Extremes of Theatre, moderated by Ștefana Pop-Curșeu, a presentation held by Fumio Owada (Japan Arts Council) about The Traditional Japanese Theatre, the world preview projection of the film Teeth, after Matei Vișniec's play, as well as book launches. During the Meetings, honorary titles will also be awarded by the National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca.

The National Theatre continues at the beginning of its session the monodrama Amalia breathes deep by Alina Nelega, directed by Tudor Lucanu and played by Anca Hanu, who was awarded for this part at the 2015 UNITER Galas The Best Leading Actress Award and, one year before, the Best Actress Award at the Oradea Short Theatre Festival.

At the end of October, the performance is invited at the International Theatre Festival Sens interdits, which will take place in Lyon between 19-29 October 2017. Initiated by Théâtre des Célestins, the festival hosts productions that use theatre like a weapon, making it a deeply political theatre. The festival has now reached its 5th edition. "Amalia breathes deep" will have three representations in the last two festival days, at Théâtre de l'Élysée of Lyon. 

I talked to Anca Hanu about this re-staging, about how this performance was received at ICR Berlin and at the University of Arizona, but also about the invitation from Lyon.