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On 15 August 2012, Cluj-Napoca National Theatre started the rehearsals for three productions to be opened in September. Two of them are to be presented in the Main Auditorium: HAMLET by W. Shakespeare, which will open on 16 September and THE IDIOT based on F.M. Dostoyevsky’s novel, which will open on 4 October (with a preview performance on 29 September). THE WAY TO THE INDIES by Ovidiu Pecican and Alexandru Pecican will open on 23 September 2012 at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre’s "Euphorion" Studio.

The productions of Cluj-Napoca National Theatre THE ISLAND by Ada Milea, based on Gellu Naum’s play, and KISS ME by Vlad Zografi, participated in the 20th edition of "Atelier" International Theatre Festival from Baia-Mare and they were awarded with the following prizes:


  • The jurys special prize - THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • The prize for the Best actress in a supporting role - Irina Wintze, Adriana Băilescu and Romina Merei, for the Selkirke Grandmothers in THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • The special prize awarded by "The league for theatre" Association - Emanuel Petran for his interpretation in KISS ME by Vlad Zografi;
  • Nomination for Best designer - Valentin Codoiu for THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • Nomination for Best actress in a supporting role - Ramona Dumitrean for Mary in THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • Nomination for Best actress in a supporting role - Anca Hanu for the Mermaid in THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • Nomination for Best actor in a supporting role - Cristian Grosu for Coco the Goat in THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • Nomination for Best Director - Ada Milea for THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • Nomination for "Atelier" Festival’s Great Prize for the best performance - THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naums play;
  • Nomination for Best recital by an actor - Emanuel Petran for KISS ME by Vlad Zografi.

The performance FLORENCE IS I by Gellu Naum and Jules Perahim, directed by Alexandru Dabija, scheduled for Thursday 30 May 2011 will start at 2pm instead of 7pm.

The performance will be presented as part of the Romanian Comedy Festival, organized by the Comedy Theatre in Bucharest, with the support of Bucharest City Hall and the Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony.

The entrance will be free, in the limits of availability.

The tickets bought for the 7pm performance can be reimbursed at the ticket agency or will be available, on request, for any other performance of this season.


Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience.

Cluj-Napoca National Theatre invites you to the annual Gates Open Day dedicated to the World Theatre Day, 27 March

The entrance in the theatre will be free of charge between 12 and 6pm and you will have the opportunity to participate in a series of events for all tastes and ages: backstage tours guided by actors of the theatre, an interactive theatre performance dedicated to children, music concerts, meetings and readings with writers from Cluj, video-exhibition of photos and posters, projection of a closed production of the theatre followed by a Q&A session with actors from the cast, an open rehearsal followed by a Q&A session with the actors and creative.

During the event, the elegant and delicious Coffee shop Doamna T will be expecting you on the last floor foyer with delicacies, and the theatre’s bookstore, together with Cărtureşti bookstore will provide you an equally appetizing array of books.

The detailed program of the event: