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Stand-up comedy with Dragoș Pop


CANCION A LA VIDA, concert of Argentinian music with Silvia Funes


Cancion a la vida is a musical concept proposed by Argentinian singer Silvia Funes, a project combining the sound of guitars, bass and percussion, which is meant to serve and honour the songs, music and poetry of several artists. This is a performance filled with emotions recalling the voice and career of great singers Cesaria Evora (Capo Verde), Mercedes Sosa (Argentina), Omara Portuondo (Cuba).

Silvia Funes - voice
Raul Funes - guitar
Daniel Muller - guitar
Georg Tausch - percussion
Dragan Trajkovski - contrabass

The 2017 edition of the event Doors Open Night enjoyed the presence of over 3.000 visitors! Along the seven hours of the event, the team of the theatre welcomed spectators at several events, some traditional, some new, with a free entrance.


This year, our thoughts and support went to the Estuar Foundation. Established in 1993, it is the first Romanian organization to create for adults with mental health problems a network of community and home day care services, certified and acknowledged at the local, national and international level. The Estuar Foundation is active in four Romanian cities, Bucharest, Ploiesti, Giurgiu and Cluj and serves yearly over 2000 beneficiaries.


The financial difficulties faced now by the Estuar Foundation determined us to return to the charitable character our event used to have from the first edition, when the Doors Open Night was organized for the support of our colleague, director Mona Marian. Funds collected on that occasion through your generosity had an essential contribution in the palliative treatment undergone by our colleague in her final months of life.


So, at the present edition of the event, the entrance remained free, but we encouraged donations for the benefit of the Estuar Foundations, of its beneficiaries and of our entire community. In exchange, every donor could help himself with lavender, generously provided by Casa Boian and "dressed" in our theatre's workshops.


Funds of over 1.000 lei were gathered.


The program of the event included workshops of dance, globe painting and theatre make up, but also a series of meetings with theatre actors. Together with the already traditional Questions & Answers Session with actors from the great stage, this year's edition of the theatre brought the new moment of Face-to-Face Meetings.

Archaic concert with Florin Ștefan and the Taraf from Cluj
7 December 2017, 8.00 p.m., main stage 

We are looking forward to welcoming you Sunday, 17 December, at 8.00 p.m., at an archaic concert with Florin Ștefan and the Taraf from Cluj!

Florin Ştefan set a project which remains unique in Romania, as well as in Europe, by using archaic musical instruments. His repertory includes music from the folklore of the Tracians, with ancient songs, known in the areas of Maramuress, Moţilor County, Bistriţa, as well as some plays by Gheorghe Zamfir and Fănica Luca (Doina from Ardeal, The Skylark etc).

Special guests: 
Arleziana Dubail 
Marinel Petreuș
Ducu Hotima 
Daniel Leș

Taraf of Cluj:
Ioan Baciu 
Aladar Pusztai 
Renato Pusztai 
Sorin Zamfir 
Carmen Jula 
Anda Lostun Burlacu
Ioana Șișca
Călin Repciuc 
Andy Ghost