Cluj-Napoca National Theatre celebrated on 27 March the World Theatre Day by organizing the 3rd edition of the Doors Open Day.
The event started with the Children’s corner interactive moment offered by Marian Râlea who invited the children on the stage to become actors in the "Judgment of the stories".
Backstage visits guided by actors were organized. The tours included the visiting of the stage, cabins and other spaces behind the curtain.
The "Restitutions corner" was initiated this year as we wish to bring back to the memory of the audience important closed productions of Cluj-Napoca National Theatre. This year we projected a video recording of Hamlet by W. Shakespeare directed by Vlad Mugur in 2001. The screening was followed by a Q&A session with actors from the cast.
The Literature corner, hosted by Ion Vartic, the manager of Cluj-Napoca National Theatre, debated the volume The life of a lonely man by Adrian Marino, alongside his guest: Lidia Bote-Marino, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Ion Mureşan, Ovidiu Pecican, Marta Petreu, Ion Pop and Adrian Popescu.
An open rehearsal of Misdummer’s Night Dream by W. Shakespeare, Cluj-Napoca National Theatre most recent production, was presented. The rehearsal was coordinated by the director Sorin Militaru and was followed by a Q&A session with the actors.
A bookshop and a video exhibition with photos and posters of Cluj-Napoca National Theatre were also available during the event, alongside the Cărtureşti book shop which also provided a tea shop.