On Thursday, 22 December 2016, we would like to invite you to the National Theatre to the celebrate together the coming of age of the production One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Dale Wasserman, our theatre's most longeval production!
The opening took place on 27 December 1998, but the cast changed over time. The following remained faithful: Cristina Pardanschi as Nurse Ratched, Dragoș Pop as Chief Bromden, Dan Chiorean as Billy Bibbit, Petre Băcioiu as Dale Harding and Sorin Misirianțu as doctor Spivey. The following joined the cast: Cătălin Herlo (Scanlon), Ruslan Bârlea (Chestwick), Adrian Cucu (Martini), Silvius Iorga (Ruckly), Diana Buluga (Nurse Flinn), Patricia Brad (Candy Star), Adriana Băilescu (Sandra), Matei Rotaru (Aide Warren), Emanuel Petran (Aide Williams), Radu Lărgeanu (Ellis) and Cătălin Codreanu (Matterson). The part of the rebellious McMurphy, initially played by Dorin Andone, was taken over by Ionuț Caras. The production was directed by Marius Oltean, and the set designed was created by architect Horațiu Mihaiu.
For this festive performance, we have prepared a surprise for our faithful spectators: the main role will be played, alternately, by Dorin Andone and Ionuț Caras, and the part of Martini, by both Ioan Isaiu, and Adrian Cucu
Exceptionally, immediately after this performance, those interested in the story of this production are invited to remain for a passionate discussion with the actors!
To get us in the mood of the production, we have decided to ask the actors Dan Chiorean, Dorin Andone, Ionuț Caras and Ioan Isaiu a few questions.
Dan Chiorean
Dan, you were the soul of this production. What place does it occupy in your personal theatre hierarchy?
First place.
First of all, we must consider the historic moment when it was made. At the same time, it was my first major role on the stage of Cluj-Napoca National Theatre. Second of all, the birth of this production was a rather difficult one. You can tell that from its very opening date: 27 December 1998. At the time, it was not believed to be a successful production. It was not given the attention premieres usually get. It was a bit marginalized. It was believed that not many people would attend the opening night. We had a full house. After that, with very few exceptions, all performances were sold out. In my opinion, this is a production with a clear recipe for success. Americans know how to write good scripts. Especially if you can rely on a solid cast. I am thinking of Miss Ratched and McMurphy. If you don't have an actress to play the Nurse and an actor to play McMurphy, you can't stage this text. The two must have some special qualities for these parts. As far as I am concerned, playing Billy Bibitt marked my entire acting existence, as it is a part that provokes you. And when I say that, I am thinking of the special speech technique that I had to adopt, as my character stutters. And I was faced with a topic I had to long think about, because if you stutter excessively on stage you can easily tire the spectators. And so you have to find...
... the right balance.
Exactly. If I overreacted, the director would make very pertinent and constructive observations. I paid attention to what he was saying and I think I found the balance. The character is absolutely wonderful, and as far as his evolution in the text is concerned, Dale Wasserman says that Billy Bibitt is 26 years old and still a virgin. Over time, I asked Andone to mention that the character is 30, then 34 and later to say that he is "old and still a virgin". I am now seriously thinking - and I hope I am lucid enough to make the right decision - whether to continue playing this part or not. But Mihai Măniuțiu explained to me that the older I get, the wiser the character becomes. I don't know, we'll see how the audience reacts. The spectators are the ones to decide, after all. But I would love to discover a potential replacement for the part of Billy Bibitt. I have even made castings for this. I admit, I am very rigorous and I wouldn't want to give the part to someone who doesn't understand it.
Dorin Andone
What are your thoughts concerning the coming of age of One Flew from Cluj? How do you feel about resuming the part?
I rejoin McMurphy as I would my own child, after his long absence from my home, but not from my soul. Together with my Cluj friends we made a production which was, and still is, more than a theatrical experience; it reconfirmed the existence of a family, united for one common purpose: the theatre. I cannot believe that so much time has passed, because I feel as young as I felt on the opening night and I am sure the production, despite being 18 years old, is just as young and energetic, touching and poignant.
It's a strange feeling to see your child grow up and to return to the place where both the production and yourself began a life journey!
I am always incredibly happy to return home, incredibly happy to return to McMurphy.
Ionuț Caras
Ionuț, in what way do you resonate with the character? Are you a rebel?
There are many things. His stubborn resistance to give in to any systems. McMurphy is in no way convinced by the hospital system or by any other prison system. In many ways, he resembles Gurevich in Walpurgisnacht. They both influence, transform a collectivity, a group of people. They manage to exude certain truths believed to be annihilated, forgotten. In both cases, there are extreme gestures involved. McMurphy ends up lobotomized, and Gurevich, an anarchist poet, organizes a mass suicide, just to preserve his freedom of choice. I also resonate with the character's desire to be free, independent, unrestrained, to not get pushed around by someone who happens to be in a higher position than him. I also resonate with his humor. Or the irony and sarcasm towards life situations. Also, the fact that he cannot live alone, that he feels a constant need to be surrounded by other people. That he is in their midst, animating them, moving them. He is not a solitary character, isolated somewhere in an ivory tower. He belongs to the world. He moves the world. I recognize bits of that in myself. Little pieces. I also need the world, the others. I like to be surrounded by people. Sometimes I also have humor.
Working for the part was special. I remember the director Marius Oltean coming and eliminating lengths. He imposed a more alert rhythm. It felt like a dusting off. Now, I am very curious to see how this experiment will turn out.
Ioan Isaiu
Ioan Isaiu, how do you feel about resuming this role? What are your thoughts about the anniversary of One Flew in Cluj?
The invitation to resume the part of Martini in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest was a pleasant one, after so many years. One Flew occupies a special place in my heart, I performed in this production with great joy when I worked at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre. It was a project that gathered around it a team of actors willing to be part of it. I remember the joy of rehearsals, the discoveries we each made, regardless of the length of our role, in this "different" world imagined by Dale Wasserman. It was also one of the last premieres I had been part of before going abroad and I am very happy that it has had such a long life, even though the cast changed over time. Some of us left to fulfill our destinies elsewhere, while others, sadly, left to join a celestial cast.
I am convinced this production still has many things to say and I wish that it sees another "coming of age", delighting audiences in Cluj and not only.
Written by Eugenia Sarvari