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Cornel Răileanu | actor



7 July 1955, Brăila


"Szentgyörgyi István" Theatre Institute, Tîrgu-Mureş, class of 1981, Professor  Constantin Codrescu.

Professional background:

Actor of the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre since 1994.

Prizes received:

- Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his part in Ionesco’s A Hell of a Mess!, directed by Silviu Purcărete, at the UNITER Gala, 28 April 2014;

- Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre, in the 2013-2014 theatre season, for the role in A Hell of a Mess! by Eugen Ionescu, director Silviu Purcărete, at the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Awards Gala, 2014;

- "Ştefan Braborescu" Prize, awarded de Cluj-Napoca National Theatre, for the role of titular din DON JUAN IN SOHO by Patrick Marber, 2007.



Activity at the National Theatre


Other activities

Theatre roles:

- Evgheni Sergheevici Dorn in Pescăruşul by A.P. Checkhov, a performance by Andrei Şerban, Teatrul Naţional "Radu Stanca", Sibiu (2007);

- Primul bărbat in Omul cu valize by Eugène Ionesco, directed by: Alexandru Dabija, Teatrul de stat din Turda (2005).