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Cristian Rusu | stage designer



1 February 1972, Cluj-Napoca


- PhD in Theatre at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, "Babeş - Bolyai" University of Cluj (2015);

- Graduate of the Art and Design University from Cluj (1996).

Professional background:

Teaching Assistant PhD at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, "Babeş - Bolyai" University of Cluj.

Prizes received:

Award for stage design for the performance The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus at the Kisvarda International Theatre Festival, Hungary, 2003.

Workshops attended:

Organizer of various Theatre and Visual Arts workshops and educational projects in Romania, Hungary and Germany.


Activity at the National Theatre


Other activities

Stage designer of the following performances:

- THE COMET by J. del Corte, "Regina Maria" Theatre Oradea, director: Radu-Alexandru Nica (2014)
- SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR by L. Pirandello, Târgu-Mureş National Theatre, Tompa Miklós company, director: David Zinder (2010)

- THE RAKES PROGRESS by Igor Stravinski, The National Opera of Cluj, director: Mihaela Bogdan (2009)
- OEDIPUS THE KING by Sofocle, Hungarian State Theatre, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2006)
- PHAEDRAS LOVE by Sarah Kane, "Ioan Slavici" Classic Theatre Arad, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2006) - costumes
- ELECTRA based on Sofocle and Euripide, Radu Stanca National Theatre from Sibiu, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2005). Award for best script: Mihai Măniuţiu, Award for directing: Mihai Măniuţiu, Award for best actress in a leading role: Mariana Presecan at the Mérida Classic Theatre Festival (2008).

- MEDEEA, "Tamási Áron" Theatre Sfântu Gheorghe, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2005) - setting

- MAN WITH BAGS by E. Ionesco, Turda Municipal Theatre, director: Alexandru Dabija (2005)

- THE PERSIANS by Aeschylus, Radu Stanca National Theatre from Sibiu, director: Mihai Măniuţiu  (2004)
- ELECTRA based on Sofocle and Euripide, Oradea State Theatre, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2004). Award of the International Association of Theatre Critics 2005.
- THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS by Cristopher Marlowe, Hungarian State Theatre Cluj, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2003). UNITER  Award for directing, 2004.
- THE JOB EXPERIMENT based on The Book of Job (Old Testament), Radu Stanca National Theatre from Sibiu, director: Mihai Măniuţiu (2003). UNITER  Award for directing, 2004.

As a visual artist, he had various exhibitions in galleries and contemporary art venues from Europe and USA. He had held interdisciplinary public conference on contemporary art in Romania and Austria, and also at the Innsbruck University in Austria (Faculty of Architecture) and at the Technical University in Cluj (Faculty of Architecture).

Teaching activity:

Assistant at Faculty of Theatre and Television from "Babeş - Bolyai" University Cluj.