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Irina Wintze | actress



14 June 1963, Sibiu


The "I.L. Caragiale" Theatre and Film Institute, Bucharest, class of 1991.

Professional background:

Actress of the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre since 1993.

Associate professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, since 2002.

Prizes received:

- Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role: Sânziana Tarța for the role of Dora (1920-1941)Irina Wintze for the role of Zocha (1919-1985), Anca Hanu for the role of Rachelka, mai târziu Marianna (1920-2002) in Our Class by Tadeusz Słobodzianek, director: Bocsárdi László, at the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Awards Gala, 2016;
Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role at Cluj-Napoca National Theatre, in the 2014/2015 theatre season, ex aequo, for the role from IN TRAFFIC by Alina Nelega, director Tudor Lucanu, at the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre Awards Gala, 2015;
 Award for best actress in a supporting role - Irina Wintze, Adriana Băilescu and Romina Merei, for the Selkirke Granmothers, in THE ISLAND based on Gellu Naum, at Atelier” International Theatre Festival, 20th edition, Baia-Mare (2012);

- Nominated for the Award for Best Actress in a leading role at the UNITER Gala for the role of PHAEDRA in PHAEDRAS LOVE by Sarah Kane, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu at the Arad State Theatre (2007);
- Award for best actress for the part in THE DECAMERON based on Alexandru Hausvater, directed by Iulian Vişa, at Sibiu International Theatre Festival, 1st edition (1992).

Workshops attended:

- RECITARE COME ASCOLTARE: ALLA RICERCA DELLA VERITA SUL PALOSCENICO, with the director regizorul Yuri Kordonsky, at Centro per la Sperimentazione e la Ricerca Teratrale in Pontedera (August 18-25, 2018);
- P.E.M. (Perdekamp Emotional Method) with Stephan Perdekamp, Sarah Victoria (P.E.M. Center, Hamburg, Germany), 3 - 8 March 2015;
- P.E.M. (Perdekamp Emotional Method) with Stephan Perdekamp, Sarah Victoria (P.E.M. Center, Hamburg, Germany),  21-26 October 2013;
- Biomechanics with Rainer Dobernig (Athanor Akademie, Burghausen, Germany), 10-15 December 2012;
- Biomechanics  with Rainer Dobernig (Athanor Akademie, Burghausen, Germany), 5-10 March 2012;
- Movement Theater with Uray Péter ( Kaposvár University, Hungary), 24-28 February 2012;
- Movement Theater with Uray Péter (Kaposvár University, Hungary), 16-19 December 2011;
In search of the existential theater, workshop led by Davis Esrig, Burghausen (Germany), 2009;
- Movement workshop led by Valentina de Piante, Cluj-Napoca National Theatre (2008);

- Spontaneity training in action, Workshop led by David A. Kippir, Faculty of Theatre and Television, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj (2008);
- Studies on Cekhov, Workshop led by Radu Penciulescu (1997).


- Competences in communication Performance in education,  co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, trainer, Dramatic Art Module, Cluj, 2012/2013

ARTISTIC PRACTICE. The transition of the young actor to the job market, project financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, 2011/2013 

- Playing Identities: Acting, The Self and Society, workshop coordinator ImageWork Erasmus Intensive Programme - University of Siena, 2012 


Activity at the National Theatre


Other activities

Theatre roles:

PHAEDRA in PHAEDRAS LOVE by Sarah Kane, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu, Arad State Theatre (2006)

, itinerant cultural project, France-Romania (1990)
LE JOIE DES MOTS, performance of women’s verse, France-Romania, Avignon (1990)