2016 – 2019: BA in Acting, Faculty of Theatre and Television, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca
2012 – 2016: "Carmen Sylva" Arts High School, Ploiești, Classical Singing
Professional background:
The wife in Succubus, based on the fantastic prose of I.L. Caragiale, directed by Filip Odangiu & Sinkó Ferenc
Mirandolina in the Commedia dell’arte production Venus’s Foot, directed by Filip Odangiu & Sinkó Ferenc
Hope in Almost Maine, by John Cariani, directed by Filip Odangiu & Sinkó Ferenc
Actress 1 in The Playful School by Ioan Groşan, directed by Filip Odangiu & Sinkó Ferenc
Nina in The Seagull, based on A.P. Chekhov, directed by Ovidiu Radu
Viola in The Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, exam-performance
Bălălău in The Drake Head by George Ciprian, directed by Maria Zametheea-Zamfir
Sofia Cozianu/Eleonora in Family Chronicle by Petru Dumitriu, directed by Bogdan George Rădulescu
The Mayoress in Shakespearian Kinship based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, directed by Maria Zametheea-Zamfir
The maid / Noblewoman in My Fair Lady by Allan Jay Lerner, directed by Alice Barb, at “Toma Caragiu" Theatre, Ploiești
Pamela in The Corporation by Flavius Lucăcel, directed by Cristian Nedea, NOMAD Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
The mother in My Mother’s Courage by Georg Tabori, directed by Cristian Nedea, NOMAD Independent Theatre, Cluj-Napoca
Trixi in Group Therapy, directed by Tapasztó Ernö, at “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre, Arad
Ziţa Lungescu in The School and the Family, based on texts by I. L. Caragiale, directed by Cristian Ban, at “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre, Arad
Boulette in The Ibsen Family, directed by Cristian Ban, at “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre, Arad
Ana in Take, Yanke and Cadîr, by Victor Ion Popa, directed by Laurian Oniga, at “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre, Arad
Multiple roles in We Go Together, musical show, directed collaboratively, at “Ioan Slavici” Classical Theatre, Arad
Trudy/Agnes/Chrissy/Kate in The Human Luggage, based on a screenplay by Jane Wagner, one-woman-show
The Judge, the Jew, Constantin Zamfirescu, Raşela in Gewalt in Darabani, screenplay by Ionuţ Caras, directed by Ionuț Caras, Good Texts in Crazy Places
February 2017 – “Contact Improvisation”, led by Sinkó Ferenc
August 2017 – The “Green Raven” Summer School led by Octavian Jighirgiu
March 2017 – The “Linklater” Workshop on vocal expression led by Alessandro Fabrizi
September 2017 – Choreography Workshop led by Andrea Gavriliu
March/May 2018 – Storytelling Workshop led by Ben Haggarty
November 2018 – Choreography Workshop led by Manuel Pelmuş; with the theme: “Memory as vision, memory as transformation”, conceptual art
Jonglerie cu foc : insturment - Poiuri
Foreign languages:Engleză
, concert-performance by: Ada Milea (2022)